Music Enthusiasts platform

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Music enthusiasts platform

This work was is part of the TROMPA EU project - we have been creating the Music Enthusiasts platform aiming to improve the gathering and analysis of the so-called “ground truth” needed as input to MER systems. Our platform involves engaging participants using citizen science strategies and generate music emotion annotations – the platform presents didactic information and musical recommendations as incentivization, and collects data regarding demographics, mood, and language from each participant.

In short, we have created a system that will be personalized to your opinions of the emotion in music. As you make more annotations, you will learn more about the emotions in music. In order to discover non-Western music, your personalized models will recommend music from Latin America, West Africa, and the Middle East.

It is very easy to partipate: go to this link, login with your Gmail account, and start listening to music.

A datasheet to the collected data

I also developed a website to discover all the music we have on our dataset. You can see a small preview here, but you can get the full functionality here!